[TR] Scissor Lift

Don Hiscock don.hiscock at gmail.com
Thu May 2 21:07:06 MDT 2024

Here's a different way to look at the problem of under-car access...

I recently got a set of 12" two-piece Race Ramps.  These expanded
polystyrene blocks coated with a material like truck bedliner lift and
cradle the TR's wheels and tires to give me about 20" of completely
unimpeded access to the underside.  The Race Ramps are highly stable --
better than jackstands in the opinion of many, including me.  They keep the
suspension loaded, so are likely better for long term storage.  They're
light -- like 7-8l b per crib -- and can hold 1500 lb per crib.  Made in
the USA (in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.)

The 12" kind I have are two stackable pieces, with a 6" lift each time.

My TR3B was lifted in four stages, twice on each end, to get the final
height.  They'd be kind of a pain to be lifting and dropping my car on a
frequent basis.

Race Ramps come in several styles and lift heights, inclduing a version
like mine that's 14" at least.    Race Ramps are pricey things for what
they are -- seriously pricey, in fact.  But I'm happy with 'em, and I
expect to be happy as the price fades from memory.

Here's a crummy photo, but it'll give an idea.

The hub centers are 24" off the floor.

On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 12:14 PM dave northrup <dave at ranteer.com> wrote:

> Also the EZcarlift comes apart for storage although i just usually lean it
> up against a wall
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Benjamin Zwissler <bjzwissler at gmail.com>
> Date: 5/2/24 8:53 AM (GMT-06:00)
> To: Triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net>, Shop-Talk List <
> shop-talk at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [TR] Scissor Lift
> Hello,
> I'm considering a mid- or low-rise scissor lift to make access to
> interiors, brakes and suspension easier.  I find I avoid interior and dash
> work because its so low to the ground I struggle to get and stay that low
> for any length of time.  I already have a two-post lift so access to the
> underside isn't an issue, but access to the interior is difficult with the
> arms and post in the way of the door opening.
> My concern is whether the popular brands will fit under Triumphs and
> similar cars.  Does anyone have any experience with these on our cars?
> Specifically I'm concerned about the narrower width of our cars and that we
> can't lift on "pinch" welds like most modern cars.  Some come with arms and
> posts to select lift points, others come with rubber blocks to allow
> specific points to be used for lifting.
> Here's the type of thing I'm looking at:
> https://racetoolsdirect.com/product/tuxedo-mid-rise-scissor-lift/?com_cvv=81c269aab9bc5fc4177fabac3c77acd26f491510dd5f94a06570d6c819846581#
> https://www.bestbuyautoequipment.com/amgo-hydr-mr06-6k-mid-rise-port-scissor-lift-p/MR06.htm
> https://allautomotiveequipmentsupply.com/products/atlas-lr-06p-portable-low-rise-scissor-auto-lift-6000-lb?variant=14718685282359&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pRwIohns5akFIf0Ghh9gyDFhoF3llf7L61iKmxPBDar6qxmh_i0CzhoCFcwQAvD_BwE
> I welcome any comments.
> Thanks, Ben
> Ben Zwissler
> bjzwissler at gmail.com
> 812-343-5533
> Columbus, IN
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