[TR] remote brake boosters

David P frogeye at porterscustom.com
Wed Jun 12 19:19:04 MDT 2024

Gents, et al.

I want to install a booster on my TR4. I have a brand new unit, that's 
too big to put anywhere, not even the trunk and I have a used unit, 
perhaps from a Mini, that's been in the used parts shed for years.

My question is... Is there a way to bench test these units? Aside from 
the rubber seal there is much to go bad. I can send it out for rebuild, 
but trying to save a buck.. DaveP

Porter Custom Bicycles 2909 Arno St. NE Albuquerque, NM. 87107 ph 505-352-1378  My World go here: WWW.PORTERBIKES.COM/

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