[TR] TR2/3/3a/3b nose

DAVID MASSEY dave1massey at cs.com
Mon Jul 29 06:09:26 MDT 2024

After having an unlatched TR3 hood (bonnet) lift up and fold back onto the windscreen, a front hinged bonnet holds a special appeal.
(Hint, don't trust that the safety catch will work.  That was a $1,000 mistake.)
A front-hinged apron would make radiator replacement much simpler but hardly seems worth the effort.  The chap with the single-piece front clip said it was done du to some collision damage.  But some folks do things just for the novelty of it.  To add their personal touch.  My TR6 has an automatically opening scuttle vent.  I devised a mechanism using an HVAC damper motor from a Ford that opens the vent using engine vacuum and a solenoid dumps the vacuum when the engine is shut down.  Why?  Because I could.  One of a kind.  But this is much more subtle than what some are doing.
It's interesting that the Spitfire front clip is a simple assembly of stamped sheet metal pieces whereas the XKE hood has its own framework.  I wonder if the TR3 sheetmetal is stout enough to not need a frame.


    On Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 09:52:14 PM CDT, Don Hiscock <don.hiscock at gmail.com> wrote:   

 It's been done, Dave Massey.  IIRC, the TR Register (UK) forum had a thread 10+ years ago on how an apron was converted to front-hinged..  I'm not going hunting for it though -- it offends the originalist in me.  :)
On the same general subject, I saw this ugly-a$$ sidescreen TR in Monaco during Grand Prix weekend a few years ago (2017, I think).  Not exactly a full tilt, but kind of a goofy mod for the work that would have been involved.https://photos.smugmug.com/Europe/Monaco-Grand-Prix/n-BmXdxg/2017-05-24-29-MGP-all/i-GPTfGNk/0/Mph67kVfNhDV3RQZdvpcVMXb7Gs9B26vTf2m9WVf6/X5/IMG_3415-X5.jpg

On Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 9:27 PM DAVID MASSEY <dave1massey at cs.com> wrote:

I didn't see any responses to this so I guess no one has done this.  I did see a TR3 in France that was set up like a Spitfire where the hood, nose piece and fenders were all hard connected together and hinged at the front.  Is that what you mean or do you want the nose piece to fold out separate from the hood like a clamshell?
Either way, I'm no help.  I'm an electrical guy.  Sheet metal work is all magic to me.


    On Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 06:38:08 PM CDT, dave northrup <dave at ranteer.com> wrote:   

Does anyone have any info about hinging the front nosepiece?  I know it involves some decisions about the front bumper. 
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