[TR] Two TR3As

auprichard uprichard.net auprichard at uprichard.net
Sun Jul 28 16:38:29 MDT 2024

I recently helped clear out the barn of a TR owner who sadly had gone into memory care.  I got a "daily driver" TR4A and two TR3As.

I think I may hold on to the TR4A but I just don't have the room for the TR3s.  I have 6 TRs, two of which are being restored and I really just bought these TR3s to prevent them from going to the scrapper.

The first is a very solid late TR3A, Vin 80,000.  The frame is straight and solid and I see no rust-through anywhere on the frame or tub:  the inner sills, rockers, doglegs and rear inner fenders are all solid, as is the rear scuttle and the spare tire compartment.  At some point it was fitted with a small mouth front apron.  The front fenders are OK and there were 4 rear fenders which came with the two cars, all of which would need some work.  The car is missing some gauges and all of the interior. Clear title.

The second car is a very rusty earlier TR3A, Vin 39,000. I probably wouldn't have bought it, but it does have an overdrive gearbox and a full set of gauges. Again, no interior.  Clear title.

I need to move these cars along so I can continue with the work I have at hand.  The cars are both in Michigan.  I am open to any reasonable offer.

My plan is to list them on one of the usual e-sites, but in the meantime I thought I'd bounce the cars off this group.  If anyone is interested, send me an email and I can send pictures.

Andrew Uprichard
Jackson, Michigan
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