[TR] TR tran tunnel heat

TeriAnn J. Wakeman tjwakeman at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 06:30:35 MDT 2023

I have done the exact same thing as Edward in my 1960 Land Rover. 3 
layers under the tunnel, one above to cut down sound and excess heat. 
That was over 30 years ago. The bubble insulation is still there and in 
decent condition.

On 9/17/23 5:48 PM, Q wrote:
> I have used a silvered Mylar "quilted" material on several cars with 
> good results.  It is two layers of Mylar that have air trapped 
> in-between them in about 1/4 diamonds.  It is bright silver on both 
> sides.  I bought it at the local Orchard Supply Store several years 
> ago.  Orchard is out of business but I expect that any "Real" hardware 
> store would have it.
> It is nice as it will not absorb oil (I install it on the transmission 
> side of the tunnel).  I usually fit it to a new plastic transmission 
> tunnel prior to installation on the car so the surface is dry and 
> clean.  I use contact cement and cut a couple of pieces to fit the 
> various contours of the tunnel.  The foil on my TR4 has been in place 
> over 20 years now with no issues including no complaints from my wife.

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