[TR] A-type OD questions

Allen Hess allen.k.hess at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 14:19:34 MDT 2023

I do believe (haven’t checked the manual) that the isolator switches on top of the gearbox have paper washer shims to adjust the on/off of the switch. There should be a 2nd gear switch and if you have backup lights, one on reverse. So I think you do have to pull the trans cover.


> I have had my TR4A transmission converted to an A-type OD by  noted specialist, and the removal/installation service was done by a reputable shop.
> I just got it back and the OD seems to work perfectly in 4th gear.  
> In Third, It will work for a short time, then goes out of OD.  It appears that it is related to the isolator switch.  If I gently push the shifter forward, it stays in OD just fine.  If I pull it back slightly (still in 3rd), it does out of OD, and when I push it slightly forward again, OD re-engages.
> In second gear, it does not ever engage OD. I did not see the transmission after the conversion, so I do not know IF there is a 2nd gear isolator switch.  But, I think there OUGHT to be..
> I picked up the car at the end of last week, and I am sure the shops will make good on a perfectly functioning OD.  But I want to know if this is a simple adjustment issue.  Maybe I can do it myself.  I can get the car on a lift and do the work from below if it were feasible.
> I would rather not pull the interior to access the top, but maybe it is necessary.
> Any advice/experience with this sort of issue?
> -Tony
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