[TR] Brookland Racing Screens

keithstewart at bell.net keithstewart at bell.net
Sun Nov 26 14:15:15 MST 2023

Those holes are spaced for the Triumph accessory aero screens . I believe the Brooklands type require different spacing.



Keith Stewart

keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> 





From: bill beecher <notakitcar at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2023 4:43 PM
To: dave northrup <dave at ranteer.com>
Cc: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] Brookland Racing Screens



Measuring the factory attaching bolts on my 1958, they are 13.75” oc apart; 3.25” setback from the finished dash; center on the defrost vent opening. 


“Shoot low sheriff, she’s riding a shetland” …B.Wills

On Nov 25, 2023, at 11:02 AM, dave northrup <dave at ranteer.com <mailto:dave at ranteer.com> > wrote:


Am seriously looking at putting Brookland Racing Screens on my 59 TR3a.  its still in primer so now is the time.


I haven’t purchased them yet so I’m not sure what directions come with them.


I’m looking for recommendations on exactly where to install them, hopefully measurements etc. from someone who’s done it.




Dave N

Dallas TX

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