[TR] Marvel mystery oil

Chris Simo ccsimonsen at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 16:21:44 MST 2023

We used to make a cocktail of MMO, Acetone, and automatic trans fluid (???
could be in place of MMO) that we would pour into the old  stuck engines
that we came across....

I think there were some other lubricants/solvents in there as well :) but I
can't remember.   I remember one where I hung a cinder block from a cheater
pipe on the crank while it worked it's marvel magic. About a month later
the crank moved and the block was resting on the floor.   It did run, but
not well.  But was much easier to tear down vs stuck engine.

On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 10:28 PM Don Hiscock <don.hiscock at gmail.com> wrote:

> My automotives prof at university in the late 1970s called all those
> things "gas house drip".  I've always liked that descriptive term.  It's
> probably pretty accurate, too.
> I can't imagine that there's any significant difference between any of
> those products for what you're trying to do, Sujit.  I'd guess than any
> non-drying oil would probably work.  (For long-term storage of my engines
> I've usually used a good shot of SAE-30 in the spark plug holes -- enough
> to fully wet the perimeter of each piston so the rings get fully wetted.
>  If you can turn the engine, it would probably be good to move the valves
> for a different combination of open and closed across the cylinders, so the
> ones open to moisture have a chance to be kept free and cycle another set
> of cylinders open to ambient.
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 2:13 PM Jeff Scarbrough <fishplate at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> That looks like the stuff, although my supply is so old that it's in a
>> metal can.  Might qualify as an antique by now.
>> It has a distinctive smell, which I find particularly pleasing.  What
>> the mystery is is indeterminate, but it won't do any harm to put some
>> in the cylinders and let it soak before you turn it over.  Don't use
>> too much if you plan to try and crank it up.
>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 11:52 PM Sujit Roy <triumphstag at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I have  a Stag engine here in the USA and folks have said to pour  this
>> stuff into each cylinder.
>> > I went on their website and they have a few products.
>> > Do I get his one and how much do I pour done each cylinder?
>> >
>> >
>> https://marvelmysteryoil.com/collections/recreational/products/marvel-mystery-oil
>> >
>> > The engine has been sitting idle for many years, I have not tried to
>> turn it over.
>> >
>> > Regards, Sujit
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sujit Roy
>> > Cupertino, California
>> >
>> > https://triumphstagblog.wordpress.com/
>> >
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