[TR] [NET] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch

David Friedlander forzion7 at gmail.com
Wed May 24 19:35:24 MDT 2023

Wow! So glad I asked ! I almost had a nasty oil gusher to deal with. This
car will stay put in the garage until I can get a new switch and figure out
the proper wiring. Thanks to all for the advice…. AND the warning!! 😲


On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 8:42 PM tritriple at aol.com <tritriple at aol.com> wrote:

> Replace the switch ...now.... before it blows out altogether.   That
> happened to me on my TR7.   The day after returning from Stowe, I took the
> TR7 to work, and when backing into my spot at the shop I noticed a very
> dark line of oil coming into and then following me to where I park.   I
> open the hood and start the engine, oil is just gushing out of the
> sender.....If this had happened on the ride home the day before, I am
> pretty sure the engine would have been toast.... Oil light never came on
> this day....   The reason the light never came on was the wires were in the
> wrong place..... Now I have an oil light and the anti-run valve works !!!!
>  See ya,  John B.
> On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 07:58:34 PM EDT, Phil Brzozoski via NET <
> net at newenglandtriumphs.org> wrote:
> For what it is worth - one of the three leads on that oil pressure switch
> provides ground for the anti-run on valve when you first turn off the
> engine.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert M Lang via NET <net at newenglandtriumphs.org>
> To: New England Triumphs <net at newenglandtriumphs.org>; TR3 Triumphs <
> triumphs at autox.team.net>; David Friedlander <forzion7 at gmail.com>
> Sent: Wed, May 24, 2023 3:58 pm
> Subject: Re: [NET] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch
> Those sending units can fail several ways resulting in leaks. Worst case -
> remove it and put a 1/8 NPT plug in there (or any sending unit with 1/8 NPT
> threads - just to plug the hole).
> Pay attention to the wires when you take them off. Else, there are
> detailed schematics on which wire goes where. The Dan Maters book shows
> details but don't assume that the wires go back to the same location. The
> terminals on the switch are labelled and you have to wire to the proper
> terminal...
> I have seen the sending unit blow the guts out. ALL the oil can evacuate
> the sump fairly quickly when that happens.
> Good luck!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bob Lang
>                           Cell: 339-927-4489
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> *From:* NET <net-bounces at newenglandtriumphs.org> on behalf of David
> Friedlander via NET <net at newenglandtriumphs.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 24, 2023 2:35 PM
> *To:* New England Triumphs <net at newenglandtriumphs.org>; TR3 Triumphs <
> triumphs at autox.team.net>
> *Subject:* [NET] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch
> My ‘74 TR6 keeps ‘anointing’ my driveway… Sigh… I thought at first, that
> the oil pan gasket was leaking but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The
> oil pressure switch however (Moss 760-200, 3-lead switch), is pretty wet
> with oil, now that I’ve returned from a short, 10-mile drive. Not to sound
> too terribly naive but, do oil pressure switches leak/give up the ghost
> like that? Anyone else have that problem?
> Dave Friedlander
> Maine
> ‘74 Six
> ‘59 Three A
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