[TR] Stainless Steel

stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Sun May 14 15:27:36 MDT 2023



The thickness of hard chrome plating falls in the range of 0.0008 inch eight ten thousandths of an inch (0.02032 mm) (two hundredths of a millimeter) to 0.0015 inch (0.0381mm) but regular chrome plating is typically far less than the hard plating spec 0.0318 mm / 0.0015 inch unless the deposit is specified to be tested by a quality specification and measured by a precision gauge at a number of points across the surface.


For comparison to move thicker, food wrapper aluminum foil is about 0.04mm or about 0.0016 inch and thicker depending on its specifications for use which is about the thickness of paint on your car.


If you take a flake of chrome plating, it will have the thickness of both the copper layer and the chrome layer.


Now look at 1.5 mm (standard metric is 1.519mm) (1000 times thicker than plating) is approximately 16 gauge steel thickness or ~0.0598 inch.


I think the OE bumpers were most likely 0.1046 inch (2.657mm) or one tenth of an inch being 12-gauge mild steel because there was some belief in structural safety before crumple zones.


304 stainless is much harder and more durable than mild steel of the same thickness, certainly when pressed or hammered into the shape of the Triumph bumper, so 16-gauge 304 stainless steel could be justified, but those bumpers are most likely not DOT rated either for say a 5mph “bumper” accident test and I will bet they have some disclaimer in their fine print that the bumpers are for cosmetic or show use.


Glenn aka StagByTriumph Garage



From: TeriAnn J. Wakeman <tjwakeman at gmail.com> 
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2023 1:58 PM
To: stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org; triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] Stainless Steel


On 5/14/23 12:50 PM, stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org <mailto:stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org>  wrote:

No, wrong!!  They specifically state:  "Grade 304". 

OK, Grade 304 stainless steel 1.5 mm thick. Makes for  very thin bumper. But it does have 3 layers of paint on the back side to protect the bumper.

That is NOT plating, that is the composition of the steel to an international forging composition
standard that sets the amount of nickel, chromium, molybdenum and other metals used in the forge.
100% is not a grade, that is supporting the statement for 304 stainless which is the grade.  
Nowhere in their statement do they make any claim "plated" or stainless steel plated.
They do state for marketing 100% stainless steel, and engineering standard for 304 grade.
It is an engineering thang ...
Glenn aka StagByTriumph Garage
-----Original Message-----
From: Triumphs  <mailto:triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of TeriAnn J. Wakeman
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 7:29 PM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net> 
Subject: Re: [TR] Stainless Steel
On 5/13/23 6:08 PM, stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org <mailto:stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org>  wrote:

Sorry Alex,
You may want to do some fact checking.  There is no grade for "solid stainless steel".
I do not believe a stainless-steel plating exists for plating over 
mild steel technology exists a of yet.

"Welcome to PTT BUMPERS. We are a specialist manufacturing in stainless steel bumpers for classic
car. Our bumper are made of 100% stainless steel grade 304 , thickness 1.5mm and hand polished. The
gloss of bumper is shiny like mirror polish and the backside of bumper are cover by 3 painted layers
to protect the bumper from the bad weather and chemicals elements."
They plate them somehow.
** triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>  **
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