[TR] Stainless Steel

stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Sat May 13 19:08:38 MDT 2023

Sorry Alex,

You may want to do some fact checking.  There is no grade for "solid stainless steel".

I do not believe a stainless-steel plating exists for plating over mild steel technology exists a of
yet.   Plating is electrolysis, and the mild steel will only attract specific molecules similar to
mild steel.  You can copper plate mild steel because there are similar molecules, when then allows
either chromium to be plated or for triple plate, nickel plate and then chromium.

Stainless steel comes in different grades, some grades of stainless steel are indeed magnetic
depending on the amount of ferric used in the recipe.  

Stainless comes in dozens of different types and chemical compositions selected for its application
and environment use.  Just because it is stainless steel does not mean it is a grade or composition
that isn't magnetic or completely corrosion resistant.

Unless the specific grade of stainless is specified for the product manufacture, any grade of
stainless steel might be used, and manufacturers might advertise stainless steel and not specify
what type.  Without specifying what type, you have no idea what corrosion properties to expect.

Glenn aka StagByTriumph Garage

-----Original Message-----
From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Alex Levy
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2023 7:20 PM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: [TR] Stainless Steel

I have come across several items that were supposed to be solid stainless steel, but they were
regular steel plated with stainless steel. The last one was my Chinese replacement cooking grill for
my propane grill. 

Also, many grades of steel are mildly to strongly magnetic. Beware. 


Sent from my iPhone
** triumphs at autox.team.net **

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