[TR] How to Re-align splines in OD to mate with transmission shaft?

Paul Tegler ptegler at verizon.net
Thu Mar 30 22:36:18 MDT 2023

Another one of those 'fun' jobs.
I use a spare mainshaft  as an alignment tool.  The only way to get them 
lined back up without damaging something,   you'll need to split it down 
to the spring bars. Two massive screw drivers,,,,you can lift the two 
crossbars (that the pressure pistons push on) to release clutch pressure 
and let you slip the shaft in to align the splines .  Don't be surprised 
it it's not just rotational alignment but actual  linear alignment as 
the annulus cup could be out of alignment


When you say seperate the o/d..... are you talking just separateing the 
adapter or splitting it further back?  the adapter housing

On 3/30/2023 11:09 PM, aribert neumann wrote:
> What is the trick to get the two sets of OD splines completely 
> aligned?   My Bentley manual (GT6) says to use a long screwdriver - 
> fat chance.   I even milled a piece of steel flat stock to mimic two 
> opposing splines of the trans mainshaft with a taper/lead-in on the 
> tip.   I have gently tapped the flat stock but the second set of 
> splines is still offset  by about 1/16 of an inch and does not want to 
> rotate into alignment.   I did not do any service of the OD other than 
> to rinse and flush out the inside of the OD - not sure how the splines 
> became misaligned.
> I've seen one video where someone loosens the bolts that hold the two 
> aluminum casting housings sandwiched to the steel component to take 
> the spring load off of the asm and make it easier to rotate the 
> splines into alignment.   My OD has been nice and dry and I really do 
> not want to create a potential oil leak path by partially 
> separating these three components if I do not need to.
> TIA - off in digest mode.
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Paul Tegler
ptegler at verizon.net  www.teglerizer.com

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