[TR] Speedo Conversion

Bob Danielson 75tr6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org
Wed Jun 28 12:10:03 MDT 2023

I’ve heard the GPS tunnel argument before and I have to chuckle every time…… How often do you drive through a tunnel? I can safely say the TR6 has never been in a tunnel in my  26 years of ownership…..oops… I take that back… it has gone though the tunnel in New Haven that’s about ½ mile and we survived. . Why do you need the speedo in a tunnel? You usually can only go as fast as the guy in front of you and tunnel speeds typically drop about 10 mph as soon as folks get in one. I’m surprised you don’t know your speed by looking at your tach. If you do go through a tunnel, how long is it? 2 or 3 miles perhaps. You can’t live without your speedo for 3 miles? And again I say… look at your tach. Let’s face it, the tunnel argument is weak at best.  

Bob Danielson
TR6 Interior Panels, Boot Covers and Fender Blankets

From: TeriAnn J. Wakeman
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 12:52 PM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] Speedo Conversion

On 6/28/23 4:47 AM, auprichard uprichard.net wrote:
I have toyed wit the idea of a GPS conversion – as you say, they are very accurate – but I didn’t like the idea of the speedo dropping to zero if I drove through a tunnel.
I have a VDO GPS speedometer in my 1960 Land Rover. How well it works depends on how much of the sky the sender can see. And yes, a road lined by tall trees with narrows the sensor's view of the sky keeps it from working unless there is a satellite in the open space. I didn't want to drill a hole in my roof or compromise door/windscreen seals so mounted mine on the windscreen in front of the rear view mirror. So a satellite needs to be in front of me for the GPS to work. How well a GPS speedo works is determined by how much sky it can see. My mounting it inside on the windscreen I severely limited what my sensor can see.
On the other hand, the GPS has allowed me to determine speed by watching the tach, so when my GPS cannot see a sat, I look at the tach to determine my speed.
Your gauges look great – I have just ordered a set of magnolia gauges with leds from West Valley.
Andrew Uprichard
Jackson, MI
From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Bob Danielson
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 8:27 PM
To: jhmdds at aol.com; triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] Speedo Conversion
One of the projects I never documented on my web site was the conversion of my tach to electronic and my speedo to GPS back in 2013. I sent both stock gauges to Morris at West Valley and he not only converted them but he had his “artist” repaint the faces Magnolia.  The speedo now has GPS innards, a power lead and an antenna (hidden under the ashtray). I’ve tracked the speed against both my Garmin GPS and Waze and it’s spot on perfect. The beauty of a GPS speedo is there’s no need for a tranny cable and it doesn’t care about the rear end ratio or your tire size….. it just tracks you in real time.
Bob Danielson
TR6 Interior Panels, Boot Covers and Fender Blankets
From: jhmdds at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 10:37 AM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: [TR] Speedo Conversion
Hi All,
I'm looking for recommendations for converting the speedometer on my '75 TR6 with the Toyota 5 speed transmission to an electronic style.  Alternatively I'm looking for a 90 degree drive angle connector from the transmission to the speedo cable.  
Thanks for the help,
James Maddox

** triumphs at autox.team.net **

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