[TR] Looking for an easy way to aim the headlights on my TR4A.

Don Hiscock don.hiscock at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 21:01:57 MDT 2023

I have a sheet of Masonite hardboard on which I've laid out vertical and
horizon centerlines for the headlights on my two Toyota Tacomas.  I have a
painted mark on the driveway to position the truck 25 feet from the gate,
and I lean the hardboard against the gate to check aiming when I'm running
a different load for a camping trip.  I have P-touch labels cut into
pointers for headlights and fog lights on the trucks.  The hardboard
leans against a garage wall when not in use.  Works great.

I'll be adding the TR3B's guidelines to that hardboard at some point this

with a bit of daylight still remaining.  Note the  small white labels
(barely visible) are for the main beam and fogs on one of my Tacomas.  This
is before I added the old truck to the hardboard.

in the dark:

I've used Daniel Stern's aiming guidance and the Toyota factory service
manuals for alignment settings.

On Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 9:39 PM Dave Connitt <dconnitt at fuse.net> wrote:

> Thanks
> Dave Connitt
> Sent from my iPhone
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