[TR] Speedo Conversion

Bob Danielson 75tr6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org
Tue Jun 27 18:26:53 MDT 2023

One of the projects I never documented on my web site was the conversion of my tach to electronic and my speedo to GPS back in 2013. I sent both stock gauges to Morris at West Valley and he not only converted them but he had his “artist” repaint the faces Magnolia.  The speedo now has GPS innards, a power lead and an antenna (hidden under the ashtray). I’ve tracked the speed against both my Garmin GPS and Waze and it’s spot on perfect. The beauty of a GPS speedo is there’s no need for a tranny cable and it doesn’t care about the rear end ratio or your tire size….. it just tracks you in real time.

Bob Danielson
TR6 Interior Panels, Boot Covers and Fender Blankets

From: jhmdds at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 10:37 AM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: [TR] Speedo Conversion

Hi All,

I'm looking for recommendations for converting the speedometer on my '75 TR6 with the Toyota 5 speed transmission to an electronic style.  Alternatively I'm looking for a 90 degree drive angle connector from the transmission to the speedo cable.  

Thanks for the help,

James Maddox

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