[TR] Parts, parts....

DAVID MASSEY dave1massey at cs.com
Sun Jun 25 07:59:20 MDT 2023

 Luck me.  We have a local club member who has a barn and will take just about anything.  And if anyone needs anything he might have it.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Friedlander <forzion7 at gmail.com>
To: DAVID MASSEY <dave1massey at cs.com>
Cc: mark at bradakis.com <mark at bradakis.com>; triumphs at autox.team.net <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sun, Jun 25, 2023 6:31 am
Subject: Re: [TR] Parts, parts....

That’s why I started this thread last week: We all have many boxes of parts (along with some items way too to big to fit in a box) and we’ve likely been looking at them and storing them for years, not knowing what to do with them… And we know it’s ’not right’ to just take them to the scrap yard. I’ve heard some good suggestions and I hope NET and the other clubs we belong to can add some kind of parts swap meet to our agendas…. sooner rather than later would be good!
Dave Friedlander Gorham, Maine
On Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 7:17 AM DAVID MASSEY <dave1massey at cs.com> wrote:

 Cool.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has accumulated a vast collection of odds and ends and is not willing to just throw them out.
Anyone interested in some old TR3 door panels?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Bradakis <mark at bradakis.com>
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Sent: Sat, Jun 24, 2023 12:53 pm
Subject: Re: [TR] Parts, parts....

On 6/23/23 9:25 PM, Frank Burkhart wrote:
> Sounds like a lot generosity out there.  Maybe a first solution would be 
> for people needing parts post requests here.  I’m getting a gasoline 
> smell and it might be that the charcoal canister has never been replaced 
> on my TR6.  I was thinking about buying a replacement - maybe someone 
> has one in their spare parts boxes.  Also, looking at a drip on the rear 
> end so I may be needing some work on the differential.  If we all put 
> our “wishes” out on the forum, all could benefit.

I used to have a list on the server called autojumble, which was meant 
for parts sales.  It didn't go over that well.  I think I pulled the 
plug on that one maybe 10 years ago.  I would certainly be willing to 
revive it, see if it gets any use.


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