[TR] Spinal Tappets
John Macartney
johnbmacartney at gmx.com
Tue Jul 11 02:53:10 MDT 2023
I feel especially honoured by that fantastic group. In 2009, when doing the Triumph Trans AmeriCan charity drive, ISOA put on an incredible event when I visited Joe PAWLAK and his team of busted knuckles who had previously rebuilt the Stag I was driving. The group was very much in evidence and sang an adapted song from its repertoire called “Johnnys got a brand new Stag”. Brought a CD home and played it to a bunch of TR Register arrogant, PITA stuffshirts here in the U.K. who claimed the material was sacrilegious to Triumph etc etc. I applaud the Spinal Tappets, as did many other *older* members of other U.K. clubs have heard and enjoyed that same CD. Too many younger ones just don’t get it / see the songs as mickey taking and especially so if they own a car of the same model. Vive les Spinal Tappets even though I believe they’ve disbanded. Sad, they were great.
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Has anyone one use K-seal in their Triumph? (Sujit Roy)
> 2. Re: Has anyone one use K-seal in their Triumph? (Chad)
> 3. Spinal Tappets (Paul Tegler)
> 4. Re: Spinal Tappets (Ronnie Babbitt)
> 5. Re: generator vs alternator (stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org)
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