[TR] Is this symptom I'm getting indicative of a bad front wheel bearing?

Dennis and Bridget dblambert at comcast.net
Tue Feb 28 11:10:42 MST 2023

From a non-technical standpoint, I’ll share an experience I had many moons ago…I had the exact symptoms you describe on an Audi Fox we owned.  Took it to the local dealer who diagnosed a bad left front wheel bearing. I replaced the wheel bearing and the symptoms disappeared.  
And yes, I agree with what others have written: Wheel bearings and the related adjustments are critical!  If you do replace front wheel bearings, do both sides, and do adjust as per the manual.
Just MHO.
Cheers, Dennis

> On Feb 28, 2023, at 10:50 AM, Alex & Janet Thomson <aljlthomson at charter.net> wrote:
> Sujit – Sorry for getting off topic and rambling. Here’s a question or two. You mentioned that the vibration comes from the front left wheel during left turns. Since the vibration comes through the steering, I would suggest that both front wheels could be suspect. Look for any interference of tires with body or suspension parts. Does the vibration occur at slight steering angles or only when steering sharp left? Don’t discount things like a cracked wheel or more likely, a bad tire. I have heard first hand accounts that even new tires can be defective.
> Alex Thomson 
> From: Sujit Roy [mailto:triumphstag at gmail.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:33 AM
> To: Alex & Janet Thomson
> Cc: Don Hiscock; DAVID MASSEY; triumphs at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [TR] Is this symptom I'm getting indicative of a bad front wheel bearing?
> The rotor has been checked for run out. Only thing left is the bearing and wheel. The bearing is easy to change, but so far the replies don't answer the original question.
> Sujit
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 7:15 AM Alex & Janet Thomson <aljlthomson at charter.net <mailto:aljlthomson at charter.net>> wrote:
>> I didn’t know that MGs used a spacer sleeve and shims for adjustment. How fun would that be when doing wheel bearing service on all of my farm equipment. Let’s see – 8 tractors, 7 four-wheel hay wagons, 3 balers, four hay rakes, and the list goes on…
>> Alex Thomson
>> ’73 TR6
>> From: Don Hiscock [mailto:don.hiscock at gmail.com <mailto:don.hiscock at gmail.com>] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 8:40 AM
>> Cc: aljlthomson at charter.net <mailto:aljlthomson at charter.net>; triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
>> Subject: Re: [TR] Is this symptom I'm getting indicative of a bad front wheel bearing?
>> Yeah, I know...
> ** triumphs at autox.team.net **
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