[TR] TR6: cleaning up speedo/tach/gauges vs. paying someone else to do it

lee at automate-it.com lee at automate-it.com
Tue Apr 4 14:01:56 MDT 2023

I've decided to do the work on these gauges myself. They are all in 
relatively good shape and work as expected. I have the o-rings that go 
between the dash and the gauges (very cheap from Moss, and in stock).

The concave side of the bezels contains a hard, shriveled-up ring of 
black goop (photo 1) - and all of them have shrunk away from the glass, 
so there's been no contact between the black stuff and the glass for a 
long time, i.e. the bezels have been in direct contact with the glass. 
Which begs whether the gaskets/rings are necessary or not. But I'll 
probably figure out something to put in there. It doesn't have to cover 
the entire circle, so if I can find o-rings that are close I can just 
cut to fit.

Also note the bezel paint scheme (photo 2) - black on the surface 
directly surrounding the gauge face and chrome on the outside surface - 
and I've seen this on a lot of TR6's, apparently done this way for a 
while. The painted surfaces are in good shape, I'll try just a gentle 
clean-up; and I'll see if I can carefully polish the chrome edge - 
staying away from the painted surface.


On 2023-04-04 05:47, Jeff Scarbrough wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023, 21:42 Greg Lemon <grglmn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Forgot to mention, I think you can get the large o-rings from Moss and 
>> other suppliers
> I recall that there is one type of o-ring for the glass and another 
> between the instrument and the dash.
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