[TR] TR6: cleaning up speedo/tach/gauges vs. paying someone else to do it

Don Hiscock don.hiscock at gmail.com
Sun Apr 2 19:34:07 MDT 2023

Note that a small wad of wet aluminum foil is just about *perfect* for
cleaning chrome plating to a high, scratch-free shine.  It's quite
remarkable how well it works if the plating itself is intact.  Try that on
your gauge bezels, Lee, and let us know how they look.

On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:15 PM Greg Lemon <grglmn at gmail.com> wrote:

> I cleaned up the gauges on my TR250 myself.  I believe the small gauges
> come apart the same way as the big ones.  Loosen some tabs and twist so the
> tabs line up with the slots to pull it off.  Clean glass as you would clean
> glass.  Gauge faces and dials.  Gentle is the word, wipe  with a damp, soft
> cloth.  There will probably be crud inside, and the interior paint may be
> flaking, repaint with white paint.
> The bezels, mine were painted black, so I repainted them black satin.
> Looks like yours are chrome, would give the a vigorous polish and see how
> they turn out.
> A completely refinished gauge face is way beyond my skillet, but I read up
> on a guy who DIYed it and fixed his gauges at home.  I will tackle a lot,
> but really can't imagine doing that and having it turn out well.
> Sorry, not a very good pic, but all zi could find.
> Greg Lemon
> TR250
> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023, 4:43 PM <lee at automate-it.com> wrote:
>> I'm replacing the dash on my '74 TR6. The gauges/speedo/tach all work
>> (maybe not terribly accurate tho!). But, wow, they're pretty grimy
>> compared to this shiny new wood dash I've got. What's left of the
>> o-rings is cracked and crumbled. With a little encouragement I can get
>> the speedo and tach open - but how does one safely open up the
>> fuel/temp/oil/volts gauges?
>> The other option is to send them to a restoration shop (there are
>> several that show up in a search; note that Nisonger is no longer doing
>> repairs but selling replacement units only). Any idea what a
>> clean-up/check-up would cost for these 6 units? I've got a huge list of
>> other things to work on rather than spend the time on these things.
>> Thanks!
>>   Lee** triumphs at autox.team.net **
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