[TR] TR6: cleaning up speedo/tach/gauges vs. paying someone else todo it

lee at automate-it.com lee at automate-it.com
Sun Apr 2 19:06:54 MDT 2023

Wow, Bob, no matter what, those gauges are gorgeous. Thanks for the 
reference, and for the info on calibration.


On 2023-04-02 19:31, Bob Danielson wrote:

> Contact Morris Mintz  at West Valley 
> https://www.westvalleyinstruments.com/
> He'll quote you a price based on what you need done and then he'll 
> confirm the price once he gets the gauges.
> He converted my tach to electronic and my speedometer to GPS. Then he 
> had his "artist" repaint my dash faces in Magnolia. Beautiful work and 
> craftsmanship.
> If your speedo need calibration he'll ask you to do this before sending 
> them out http://tr6.danielsonfamily.org/SpeedometerCalibration.htm
> Bob Danielson
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