[TR] TR6: cleaning up speedo/tach/gauges vs. paying someone else to do it

lee at automate-it.com lee at automate-it.com
Sun Apr 2 15:42:25 MDT 2023

I'm replacing the dash on my '74 TR6. The gauges/speedo/tach all work 
(maybe not terribly accurate tho!). But, wow, they're pretty grimy 
compared to this shiny new wood dash I've got. What's left of the 
o-rings is cracked and crumbled. With a little encouragement I can get 
the speedo and tach open - but how does one safely open up the 
fuel/temp/oil/volts gauges?

The other option is to send them to a restoration shop (there are 
several that show up in a search; note that Nisonger is no longer doing 
repairs but selling replacement units only). Any idea what a 
clean-up/check-up would cost for these 6 units? I've got a huge list of 
other things to work on rather than spend the time on these things.
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