[TR] Not the First long road trip

Cliff Hansen cliff_hansen at outlook.com
Tue Sep 6 15:44:55 MDT 2022


See you in Taos.


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From: dave northrup<mailto:dave at ranteer.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 12:25 PM
To: list Triumph<mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: [TR] Not the First long road trip

We are about to embark on the final leg of a long journey in our 72 TR6.

In April we drove from Dallas to Tucumcari to Kingman to Vegas to Reno, and flew home.

In May I was in Reno for the Hot August Nights spring preview.

In August I was in Reno for Hot August Nights, the most out of this world excessive over the top car event I have ever witnessed/been part of.  Attached is a windshield shot from one of the cruise nights.

In two weeks we will drive from Reno to Bryce Canyon via “The Loneliest Road in America” to 4 corners to the Rio Grande Valley British car club weekend event in Taos.  Then back home to Dallas.

4000 miles more or less

Subscribers to 6 Pack will be reading about these adventures for about the next year in their quarterly magazine.  Just the first leg would fill up an entire issue!

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