[TR] TR4/6 Voltage Stabilizer

DAVID MASSEY dave1massey at cs.com
Wed Jun 1 14:18:25 MDT 2022

 I go way beyond that.  First I use a 1N4004 to protect against negative-going spikes (which car be as high as -80 volts), then I place a 15V Zener or TVS to clamp any positive-going pulses (which can be as high as 120V).  Depending on the application I also include a low value resistor or polyfuse to limit the current the TVS needs to sink.  Then there is the input filter as you pointed out.
This may be a bit of overkill but without the ability to test for optimum and considering I'm only going to build a few (or one) of these things a little overkill is cheap insurance.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Rhodes <spamiam at comcast.net>
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Cc: billbrewer59 at yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, Jun 1, 2022 1:40 pm
Subject: Re: [TR] TR4/6 Voltage Stabilizer

I built my own voltage stabilizer.

At the time, Moss had one that used a diode and a transistor as a form of a crude shunt regulator.

I used a LM2940–10 automotive low dropout 10 V analog regulator.

Sense and I have seen photographs of the guts of the newer electronic regulators. It appears they use a single voltage regulator with no other components around it.

As I recall,  These used a through hole TO 220 device with the legs bent over 90 degrees and no heat sinking.

Not ideal

All these analog regulators need proper capacitors on the input in output side of the regulator.

My regulator with the LM 2940–10 has been in use since probably about 2004 with no problems in a TR4A

I can give further details, schematics, etc. to people if they are interested.


> On Jun 1, 2022, at 2:01 PM, triumphs-request at autox.team.net wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 31 May 2022 19:12:36 -0700
> From: William Brewer <billbrewer59 at yahoo.com>
> To: Triumph List <triumphs at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [TR] TR4/6 Voltage Stabilizer
> Message-ID: <4b9c278c-ffbf-4d70-5f30-9e75ceb2468c at yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> ???? I have a TR4 temperature gauge in my TR3. The Moss gauge voltage 
> stabilizer only lasted a few thousand miles and the quit outputting the 
> 10 volts. Anybody else having short lifespans on their voltage 
> stabilizers? Are there better ones out there? Moss makes a big deal 
> about "Modern electronics in a vintage style housing". Screw the vintage 
> style housing, I want dependability. Is there an aftermarket one that 
> has a long life?

** triumphs at autox.team.net **

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