[TR] Valve ticking

Cliff Hansen cliff_hansen at outlook.com
Fri Jul 29 16:22:56 MDT 2022

Do you think a length of 30 gauge steel wire would do as a feeler gauge? It’s nominally 0.010” diameter.


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From: Christopher A Kantarjiev<mailto:cak at dimebank.com>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 3:39 PM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net<mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] Valve ticking

On 7/29/22 11:00 AM, triumphs-request at autox.team.net wrote:
>   You'd have to have a very slim feeler gauge to adjust them correctly.

Indeed. I have a feeler gauge set that is round wires rather than flat
blades, and it makes this measurement a lot easier. But if your rocker
arm tips are wearing unevenly, you've probably gone through the hardened
surface (and might also be getting wear on the bushing that you can't
see) ... so it might be time for a rebuild. More about that in a second ...

I use a tool called Gunson Clik-Adjust to set valve clearances, because
it takes the entire wear of the system into account. Rather than
measuring only the clearance at the tip, it works from the point where
the entire rocker arm system is tight against the valve stem and then
backs out in a controlled fashion. It seemed hokey, but it works quite well.

When I first got my TR4A, it had really low oil pressure. I did a bunch
of work on the bottom end, to little effect. Someone suggested the
rockers - the shaft and bushings were *very* worn to the point that much
of my oil pressure was disappearing there. I sent the assembly off to
Rocker Arm Specialists in Northern California; they transformed my worn
out rocker train into a thing of beauty. I sent them a lot of work over
the years (and sent a lot of others their way). Sadly, the proprietor
sold the business in order to retire, and the new owners didn't make a
go of it ... but it appears that they're back!

** triumphs at autox.team.net **

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