[TR] 3 pronged oil cap for Hearald

stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Tue Jul 26 16:15:23 MDT 2022



Actually, it is a Herald fuel cap that is the same size as the Early Stag Oil cap, only the Fuel Cap is chromed on the Heald and matte aluminum on the Stag.


Need one?    I may have a three prong for a Stag, or you can replace the whole cam cover and go with the more common two blade style


Glenn aka StagByTriumph


From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Sujit Roy
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 9:00 AM
To: Triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: [TR] 3 pronged oil cap for Hearald


I have a Stag, but am aware the earlier Stags share a 3 pronged oil cap with the Hearald. These seems to be rare, but wondering if anyone in the Hearald club has a source?


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