[TR] [6pack] Rear end clunk

Greg Lemon grglmn at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 08:27:37 MST 2022

I chased after a "rear end" clunk for years.  Decided it was in the
differential, and decided to replace it with a Nissan R200 limited slip
after replacing u-joints and checking mounts many times.  When I was
installing the differential and new, shortened drive shaft I discovered one
of the transmission mount bolts had gone missing.

If you are not finding it, may be worth expanding your search, however, the
only when cold thing is a bit of a head scratcher.

BTW, very glad I did the diff swap, even though it was not the cause of the
clunk, car is much quieter, especially  with the top up.

Greg Lemon

On Thu, Jan 27, 2022, 9:10 AM Alex & Janet Thomson <aljlthomson at charter.net>

> Don’t rule out worn driveshaft U-joints or worn/loose mounting bushings on
> the differential itself.
> Alex Thomson
> *From:* 6pack [mailto:6pack-bounces at autox.team.net] *On Behalf Of *
> otral at juno.com
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 27, 2022 9:43 AM
> *To:* 6pack at autox.team.net
> *Subject:* [6pack] Rear end clunk
> Twenty years of rear end clunk when I put it in reverse with cold engine
> and I'm tired of it. But as soon as the engine warms up it disappears and i
> dismiss it. Do I bite the bullet and get it checked out? I'm sure my
> mechanic will say get it fixed. And how much do you think a repaired rear
> end will cost me?
> Al in CT with 74 French Blue
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