[TR] Issues with Temp. compensators on a ZS CD 175

Sujit Roy triumphstag at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 10:19:13 MST 2022

I've been running into issues with my ZS carbs. The problem is as the car
gets to operating conditions, the RPMs goes up from about 800 rpm  to about
I have carbs with by-pass valves, but they are blocked off.
Folk have said it's the temp. compensators. I rebuilt the carbs and have
adjusted the compensators according to an article on Buckeye Triumph.
Suggestions have been to tighten the adjustment screw so they don't open.

So I have just read the Dealer Training on the subject of Carburetion. I
see how the compensators work and make the fuel mixture leaner when at
operating temperature. The doc says when they open, it weakens the
depression which allows the piston to fall slightly thereby cutting the
available fuel and creating a leaner mixture. This I get, but with the
throttle plate in the idle position, and the volume of air passing the
throttle plate can't change, then why does the engine speed increase?

Regards, Sujit

Sujit Roy
Cupertino, California

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