[TR] Is Your TS# Between TS74000 and TS75000?

William Brewer billbrewer59 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 13 11:33:56 MST 2022

      There is a guy on the TR3 Facebook group trying to figure out what 
his serial number would be based on the body number plate on the 
firewall above the battery. His number is EB73133. His serial number 
should be between TS74000 and TS7500. Can anyone extrapolate his EB 
number to come up with a TS# for him? Just curious.

      My TR3 is TS72747 and my body # is EB71216, which is 1531 less. 
His EB is 73133, so his TS# should be around TS74670.

      Probably impossible to extrapolate the exact serial number, but it 
is fun to try to figure it out.


      -Bill Brewer

      Morro Bay, CA

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