[TR] DYTD photos

Rye Livingston ryel at mac.com
Tue Feb 15 21:02:51 MST 2022

Dear Fellow Triumph & Standard Owner,
Thank you to everyone who participated in Drive Your Triumph Day 2022. 

Many submissions included multiple photos, and in most cases I selected one.  There were also several group club drives around the world from Australia to Oklahoma to Canada, which is excellent.  Thank you to those who planned and hosted those drives. 
Possibly the most impressive event was held at the British Motor Museum in Warwick, United Kingdom, with over 50 Triumphs and Standards in attendance .  The photos that show three cars, a TR7 on the left and a Stag on the right, those were the last cars off the Triumph assembly line.  Attendees then parked their car in between for a photo.  Very cool.
So get a couple of fingers of scotch or brandy, or a pint of beer, sit back and click through 608 photos from all over the world, about 80 more photos than last year. 
https://driveyourtriumphday.shutterfly.com <https://driveyourtriumphday.shutterfly.com/>
If you have a photo you haven’t submitted yet, it’s not too late.  Send it to DriveYourTriumphDay at gmail.com <mailto:DriveYourTriumphDay at gmail.com>
DYTD 2023, February 10th, is on a Friday next year.  Mark it on your calendar now.
Rye Livingston
Activities Chairman
Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club
1960 Triumph TR3A
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