[TR] 2 piece tranny tunnel

staffel staffel at comcast.net
Wed Dec 28 17:51:23 MST 2022

Interesting 'upgrade'- ?We all know the advantage of the polyetgyene material over the original cardboard. Howecer, the post & LINK Reminded me of a couple of my early TR4 experiences during  1968-1970. YUP-1968 & 1970: That involved the 'Transmission Tunnel'Jan 1968. Bought the TR4 (65) upon return from SE Asia. Now Hot Summer August 68 in Norman Oklahoma.  Was again  U of Oklahoma Sr. student but had internship at Griffin Memorial Hospital /Childrens Ward.Was  going cross town to pick up colleage for our 6:30 AM shift at 6AM after Very Heavy overnight ⛈️ Thunderstorm. Now Norman streets have no Gutters. Sides of streets like an upside down V, so intersections always had pools of water. Never been on these streets b4 after a rain.We wore Hospital whites to work. So 86^ish, TR4 top down, wearing white jeans & white shirt. Drove thru  flooded 4 way intersection slow but water turned out to be 'quite deep'- way deeper than ever expected -  flooding car and water coming thru doors & quickly covered my 'seated self'..Opened jack plugs ( to facilitate draining) took colleague work & returned home to change. After work pulled seats, carpets, and transmission cover to 'Dry Out'..  The cardboard tranny cover never quite fit right or fully sealed properly again. Had to add tire tube strips & oversized washers to resecure the warped original tunnel.2nd incident- 1970- was teaching   'friend to drive'.  After poor shift, bucking, tranny did feel right. Pulled tunnel to pull transmission.  Found broken secondary shaft, but point is had to pull tunnel. Now to get to the point of the my post: I also upgraded to a polyethylene cover when I restored my TR4 98-2000; but unless my original was fully 'shot' and needed a new cover & the 2 piece option was a 'minimal cost' upgrade, the additional time to remove the full cover- which allows full examination of the complete transmission & bellowing, I really don't see that the so called 'advantages' are 'that big a deal for us 'TR Hobbiests'.Sherman D Taffel Columbia MD 65 TR4 CT50054L Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone
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