[TR] Incantation

DAVID MASSEY dave1massey at cs.com
Fri Nov 12 12:05:20 MST 2021

 I was swapping the transmission on a friend's TR7.  I wrestled with it all morning (those things are not light).  Finally he says "Lets stop for lunch."  After lunch I climbed back under the car and voi la, it slipped right in.  

Trying to get a 100 lb part perfectly aligned in a tight space is more luck than anything.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Bradakis <mark at bradakis.com>
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Sent: Fri, Nov 12, 2021 11:43 am
Subject: Re: [TR] Incantation

In one of Carroll Smith's "<...> to Win" books he tells a story of a 
late night before the morning race where he and another guy put a 
transmission back in a car.  They get it all in place, ready to wrestle 
with it to get it to mate with the engine, and wham!  It slides right 
in, first time, perfectly.  They look at each other and both come to the 
conclusion they forgot to put the spigot bushing in.  They've done this 
before, transmissions don't just slide into place in seconds.

So, they remove the transmission, take a look and the spigot bush is, 
indeed, right where it should be, not left on the bench.  So they go to 
put the gearbox back into place, and as you might have guessed, it takes 
hours to get it lined up and in place again.


** triumphs at autox.team.net **

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