[TR] [Bmcu] TR3 Oil
bill beecher
notakitcar at yahoo.com
Mon May 24 22:31:39 MDT 2021
Sad indeed, I ran off the road once when I was much younger. No damage but it scared the snot out of me, now I stop for a nap a the first nod.
Good to know you are well,
Sent from my TRS80
On May 24, 2021, at 11:19 PM, Michael Marr <mmarr at albiontechnical.com> wrote:
I actually googled it. It was near Shoshone. Michael and his family were moving from CO to WY. He was driving a pickup, pulling a trailer with another car on it. His wife was following in her car, with their son. She and the son saw the whole thing. The driver of the truck that crossed the centerline to hit Michael was 75. The state patrol thought that he may have fallen asleep. An awful occurrence, for sure. My heart goes out to all involved.
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 24, 2021, at 22:17, bill beecher <notakitcar at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Article didn’t say just where, the other Michael is critical, sounded like his two daughters will be OK. Drowsy driver crossed over and hit them, he did not survive.
> B
> Sent from my TRS80
> On May 24, 2021, at 8:07 PM, Michael Marr <mmarr at albiontechnical.com> wrote:
> Well, let me check... yep, still in one piece! I am safely ensconced at home in Wisconsin. Thanks for caring!
> Do you know where the accident was? I have a stepson in Wyoming (different surname).
> Mike
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 24, 2021, at 19:40, Notakitcar <notakitcar at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Just read of a terrible accident in Wyoming involving a Michael Marr. Is
>> this our Michael Marr?
>> Bill
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-triumphs at Autox.Team.Net [mailto:owner-triumphs at Autox.Team.Net]
>> On Behalf Of Michael Marr
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:25 PM
>> To: William Beecher <wbeech at flash.net>; triumphs at autox.team.net; 'BMCU'
>> <bmcu at autox.team.net>
>> Subject: Re: [TR] RE: [Bmcu] TR3 Oil
>> I would guess that the difference is due to the difference in Imperial pints
>> (20 oz.) vs. US pints (16 oz.). I f you adjust for this difference, 10 Imp.
>> Pints = 6.25 US quarts, which would account for the difference you observed.
>> I could confirm this by looking in the manual but it is in the garage and I
>> am in the middle of something right now.
>> Michael Marr
>> Plainfield, IL
>>> An interesting note:
>>> The TR2-3 manual calls for 10 pints or 5.7 liters on a refill. I have
>>> been around the metric block a few times and did the math, 10 pints is
>>> 5 quarts while 5.7 liters in 6 quarts. I bought 5 quarts of Castrol
>>> 20/50 (as
>>> recommended) and a new FRAM CH820PL (pay me now or pay me later) oil
>>> filter and after starting and running the motor for a couple of
>>> minutes to fill the filter case, the level does not even touch the
>>> dipstick. Looks like I am going to need at least another 1.5 quarts
>>> or 1.4191 liters.
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