[TR] Update on 4a ride height

Jim Henningsen trguy75 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 12:45:01 MDT 2021

Drove the car a bit more over some bounces and some slight settling on ride height measured from concrete floor to bottom fender lip at wheel center.  Still off side to side.  I did measure distance from floor to lower frame at each corner near center of wheel.  Same measurements so frame sitting correctly.  Could be some body settling issues with old body mount pads to frame etc.  the bigger issue is I found out the Dayton 15x6 wire wheels with 205/65 15 tires is a bit too wide for car.  Going over an angled incline on driveway caused the lower fender lip to cut into the tire.  I don’t think 185 tires would help.  The Dayton’s are sticking out too far.  So, I am planning on switching to the 4.5 inch wire wheels with stock 165 80 tires.  If anyone is looking for a nearly new set of Daytons. Home 72 spoke 15x6 tubeless wheel let me know.  Can work a great deal.
Jim Henningsen
Ocala FL
61 3a
62 4
67 4a
75 6
81 8

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