[TR] Brake shoe relining?

Cliff Hansen cliff_hansen at outlook.com
Tue Jun 8 15:25:04 MDT 2021

Thanks everyone, a number of good options!

The owner of this Minx is a 17-year-old with boundless enthusiasm, limited funds, and no experience. I’m having a blast helping him out.

He reminds me of myself. Except for the pink-dyed crewcut hair. That’s all him.


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From: Cliff Hansen<mailto:cliff_hansen at outlook.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 10:01 AM
To: list Triumph<mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: [TR] Brake shoe relining?

Anyone recommend a shop to reline a set of 9” brake shoes?  For a 62 Hillman Minx, but you are the only group I know to ask 😊

The local brake/clutch reliner closed 4 years ago.

I’ve been told the shoes are the same as a very early TR2, but I don’t know that for a fact.



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