[TR] Pertronix

David Friedlander forzion7 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 12:28:09 MST 2021

Hey all ~

I have a DM2 distributor on my 1959 TR3A and am considering going
with a Pertronix setup.

I just had an interesting call with Paul in Customer Service at Pertronix,
who tells me I can use:

their standard Flamethrower system with a 40501 (chrome) *3.0 ohm* coil and
LU149 Ignitor


If I upgrade to their Flamethrower II, I'd use their 45001 *0.6 ohm*
coil with their 9LU149 Ignitor II (having adaptive dwell control).

But Flamethrower II technology requires a 0.6 ohm coil as that system
won't work at 3 ohms.

Cheers, all....

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