[TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
andrew uprichard
auprichard at uprichard.net
Fri May 29 20:21:31 MDT 2020
What a country !!
From: Don Hiscock <don.hiscock at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 5:52 PM
To: andrew uprichard <auprichard at uprichard.net>
Cc: David Friedlander <forzion7 at gmail.com>; Keith Stewart <keithstewart at bell.net>; TR3 Triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
I believe the whatjamacallit fixed end of the inner wire of a Bowden cable assembly is called a nipple, Andrew.
On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 4:37 PM andrew uprichard <auprichard at uprichard.net <mailto:auprichard at uprichard.net> > wrote:
Here you go
From: andrew uprichard <auprichard at uprichard.net <mailto:auprichard at uprichard.net> >
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 5:28 PM
To: 'David Friedlander' <forzion7 at gmail.com <mailto:forzion7 at gmail.com> >
Cc: 'Jim Henningsen' <trguy75 at gmail.com <mailto:trguy75 at gmail.com> >; 'Keith Stewart' <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> >; 'TR3 Triumphs' <triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net> >
Subject: RE: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
The end with the whatjamacallit goes inside the door and the cut end has a trunnion fitting. It’s what I use on all my 3As and Bs. I’ll see if I can find a pic.
From: David Friedlander <forzion7 at gmail.com <mailto:forzion7 at gmail.com> >
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 5:25 PM
To: andrew uprichard <auprichard at uprichard.net <mailto:auprichard at uprichard.net> >
Cc: Jim Henningsen <trguy75 at gmail.com <mailto:trguy75 at gmail.com> >; Keith Stewart <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> >; TR3 Triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net> >
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
Cool idea, Andrew! I haven't attempted it yet but I imagine working inside
the door to attach cables might be a bit more challenging than working
connections to the out-the-panel version of the TR2's/3's....
On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 5:21 PM andrew uprichard <auprichard at uprichard.net <mailto:auprichard at uprichard.net> > wrote:
Bicycle brake cables…………………….
From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> > On Behalf Of David Friedlander
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 4:20 PM
To: Jim Henningsen <trguy75 at gmail.com <mailto:trguy75 at gmail.com> >
Cc: Keith Stewart <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> >; triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
And I don't think they make replacements for the internal ones, either.
On Fri, May 29, 2020, 3:37 PM Jim Henningsen <trguy75 at gmail.com <mailto:trguy75 at gmail.com> > wrote:
Same as mine. Thanks. After all these years, still learning something new on a Triumph jim
From: Michael Marr <mmarr at albiontechnical.com>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 3:12 PM
To: Keith Stewart <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> >
Cc: Jim Henningsen <trguy75 at gmail.com <mailto:trguy75 at gmail.com> >; Don Hiscock <don.hiscock at gmail.com <mailto:don.hiscock at gmail.com> >; triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
My 1960 TR3a has external handles and the cable inside the door pocket.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2020, at 14:09, Keith Stewart <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> > wrote:
Didn’t the 3a go to a pull inside the door pocket and eventually exterior handles as well?
From: Jim Henningsen <trguy75 at gmail.com <mailto:trguy75 at gmail.com> >
Sent: May 29, 2020 3:00 PM
To: 'Don Hiscock' <don.hiscock at gmail.com <mailto:don.hiscock at gmail.com> >; 'Keith Stewart' <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> >
Cc: triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
Are these door pulls just for small mouth TR3? I don’t have them on my TR3A. Thanks Jim Henningsen
From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> > On Behalf Of Don Hiscock
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 1:18 PM
To: Keith Stewart <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> >
Cc: triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
Here's Macy's door pull kit -- two of 'em, in fact. I hand carried these to TR friends in the UK a couple of years ago, as Mark avoids the hassles around international shipping.
https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-4cgcN9b/0/0c68a588/O/i-4cgcN9b.jpg <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__photos.smugmug.com_photos_i-2D4cgcN9b_0_0c68a588_O_i-2D4cgcN9b.jpg&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=HL4LAX-jeuoWNeqz1u1ryqDHfrhQ38xO3ECYGpjCniQ&m=AeZajmlK7Ef6sZ5iHEMXS5hrrWQZAnlTCzuYFZbUrXM&s=Fwc6oUaTnu8YrPM3fNDS-s_b_zLH6xNBR_MdIvl6zxM&e=>
On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 12:03 PM Keith Stewart <keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net> > wrote:
Can’t swear as to originality, but the ones on my 57 TR3 are leather on the outside but the leather encases a link chain – with the latch shaft going through the end link and held in place by a nut while the end link at the other end is secured by a screw under the escutcheon for the outer leather strap.
Keith Stewart
keithstewart at bell.net <mailto:keithstewart at bell.net>
From: DAVID MASSEY <dave1massey at cs.com <mailto:dave1massey at cs.com> >
Sent: May 28, 2020 10:41 AM
To: auprichard at uprichard.net <mailto:auprichard at uprichard.net> ; daveg at online.no <mailto:daveg at online.no> ; triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 - how does the door latch strap fasten to the door latch
Yes. My biggest question is where can I get those parts? Dave says the inner part is heavy gauge leather. It looks like the outer is thinner, more supple leather. I have neither. Does anyone sell these parts?
** triumphs at autox.team.net <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net> **
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