[TR] A smart or dumb idea for TR6 Steering column

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Fri Jun 19 13:19:20 MDT 2020

On 6/19/20 12:58 PM, Allen Hess wrote:
> https://mossmotors.com/triumph-tr6-250/suspension-steering/steering-column-1
> There are two U clamps that secure the steering column. The “lower” 
> one (I think of it as forward, closer to the bulkhead) would prevent 
> the movement that I think you are talking about. It is item 124 in 
> Moss catalog. Do you have it? Do you have the felt packing?
I disagree.  What he is looking for is item #120 in the drawing, just a 
rubber seal that goes around the steering column where it psses through 
the firewall.


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