[TR] what is going on?????

Don Hiscock don.hiscock at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 22:53:34 MDT 2020

Probably worth checking for parasitic draws on the battery, too.  I had an
issue once upon a time where the insulation to the headlight wiring to the
right side had been worn through, leading to battery drains and burned

On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 10:17 PM Don Hiscock <don.hiscock at gmail.com> wrote:

> I had a 1988 XJ Cherokee for twenty plus years.  Loved it, but the Jeep
> was buggy.  Wait until you get into the closed cooling system...
> My brother and I found some ground loops that were playing havoc with the
> electrical system.  Bonded some of the major assemblies together and it
> made it a lot happier.  You might check to make sure the different parts of
> the XJ are on the same ground plane.
> On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 9:58 PM dave <dave at ranteer.com> wrote:
>> We bought a car a few months ago (an 88 jeep actually).  Wasn’t running
>> or driving, needed some work, battery was dead.
>> Today we finally got it running and driving using a known good battery
>> from another car.
>> Set the jeep’s battery up on a charger a day or two ago and decided to
>> try it in the jeep after all we succeeded in getting it running and driving.
>> Hooked up the positive first, then touching the negative caused a
>> spark!!!!
>> Double checked that we had the ground to the engine and the positive to
>> the electrical system.
>> The multimeter, with the red on the positive terminal and the black on
>> the negative, read -9.97
>> Reversed it and got 9.97.
>> Checked the good battery – no, the multimeter is not broken.
>> Checked the jeep’s old battery again, same results.  Good battery – same
>> results (about 12.97)
>> What is going on????  how is this possible?  Yes, we are replacing the
>> battery but if someone had told me this story I would have told him he must
>> have mixed up the terminals, that its not possible.
>> Can anyone explain this to me?
>> And yes, we are replacing the battery
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