[TR] sandblasting

Alex & Janet Thomson aljlthomson at charter.net
Thu Apr 23 18:25:18 MDT 2020

Years ago I bought a used full face mask that included an air supply unit for just $400. Worked great except, as you said, the rest of your face would look like the Sahara desert. Then, I bought a sandblaster’s hood (but they are not called that anymore due to silicosis). That was about $180 at the time. Used with the dedicated air supply, it works great. The whole, complete set-up is very expensive if you purchase it new but the alternatives may be even more unpleasant. I’m sure there are products that are a lot cheaper. But, once you use a supplied-air hood, you will never go back to the $19.95 product.


 <https://www.leonardsafety.com/head-protection/respiratory-protection/breathing-systems/bullard-air-supplied-systems/grinding-hood-system---complete-system-p-28265.html> https://www.leonardsafety.com/head-protection/respiratory-protection/breathing-systems/bullard-air-supplied-systems/grinding-hood-system---complete-system-p-28265.html  


I have probably gone through literally two to three tons of sand over the years on my tractors, trailers and other farm equipment. And that’s been with the same ALC Sandy-Jet 50 lb. suction unit! But, I still hate sandblasting! I can’t think of any activity where the novelty wears off any quicker. I use bagged sand that is sold by a mason supply company rather than coal slag. I always felt that light colored sand blends into the yard better than black coal.


Although it sounds like you are done, for the sake of others, make sure you seal off any place where a shaft enters a housing such as wheel hubs, governor arm, 3 pt. hitch control lever, brake shafts, crankshaft, etc., etc. It’s just amazing how far sand (or other blast media) can migrate into a machine.


Alex Thomson


From: Triumphs [mailto:triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of TERRY SMITH
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 7:44 PM
To: triumphs
Subject: [TR] sandblasting


I'm sandblasting a tractor and not a triumph, but socratic question:  Coes anybody out there enjoy sandblasting at all?  Gad!  I've got coal material all over my hair, in my ears, and forming lumps in my tennis shoes. 


But today I'm finished with sandblasting.   I don't feel guilty for feeling glad. 


Terry Smith  '59 TR3A  TS 58667 

New Hampshire 


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