[TR] Nexen tires for a TR3A

Reihing, Randall S. Randall.Reihing at utoledo.edu
Fri May 31 15:37:46 MDT 2019

I don't disagree. I thought it was interesting how moving the tire around the rim, as opposed to those clamp on lead weights, resolved the vibration issue perfectly.


Randall Reihing

1959 TR3A

From: Jerry Van Vlack <jerryvv at roadrunner.com>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 4:20:37 PM
To: Reihing, Randall S.; Wbeech at flash.net; Kinderlehrer
Cc: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] Nexen tires for a TR3A

Moral of the story is don’t buy Michelin tires. Actually just my personal opinion, I’ve had them on new cars and could not wait until I could replace them. I think they are overrated.

From: Reihing, Randall S.
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 3:46 PM
To: Wbeech at flash.net ; Kinderlehrer
Cc: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] Nexen tires for a TR3A

When recently buying a set of four Michelin Defender's for my truck, owned since new and never wrecked or damaged, etc., there was a balancing issue with the new Michelin Defender's. The usual weights were not achieving the vibration free use the prior, worn down but smooth driving BFG tires had demonstrated.

Tireman of Maumee, Ohio (zero affiliation on my part except as a customer), where I buy tires, the salesman said the wheel may be the culprit for my vibration complaint on the brand new Michelin Defender's that had just been installed and had been balanced but were vibrating enough at normal expressway speed limits of 55-65 mph, I could feel it in the steering wheel and it was really annoying.

I returned in less than 8 miles. The Tireman salesman said Tireman had a balancing option referred to as "Force Balancing" wherein they don't use the usual weight's. For "Force Balancing" they use a different machine and move the tire around the rim a very small amount several times until they find the perfect balancing location of tire to wheel. This worked for me and an hour later the truck is now as vibration free and smooth driving as it was when new.

Randall Reihing

1959 TR3A

From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> on behalf of Wbeech at flash.net <wbeech at flash.net>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 2:56:51 PM
To: Kinderlehrer
Cc: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] Nexen tires for a TR3A

I have Vredesteins on the TR3, excellent handling.  Also, Firestone has this size too, Coker may have this in their Michelin X tire, I know they have 155 but not sure about 165.

As for rubbing with wider tires, someone else needs to comment, I have run 165 width on 6” minilites with great results, more rubber on the ground and no rubbing.

Just my thoughts,
Bill B

Sent from my DynaTAC 8000X

On May 31, 2019, at 12:58 PM, Kinderlehrer <kinderlehrer at comcast.net> wrote:

Anyone have any experience with the Nexen tire (SB802)? There are very few
tire stores around here that can still mount a tire on a wire wheel and the
only tire they seem to be able to get in a 165/80-15 is the Nexen. If I go
with a wider tire, will I have a problem with rubbing and will the steering
be even harder?


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