[TR] Driving from Maryland to Texas for the VTR Nationals

Michael Porter mdporter at dfn.com
Sat Jun 29 21:47:32 MDT 2019

On 6/29/2019 8:35 AM, Gary Klein wrote:
> Everyone,
> I’m considering a drive from central MD to Dripping Springs TX in 
> October, and would like to form a caravan of any interested owners 
> going to the nationals.  I’m thinking safety in numbers and whether 
> you’re driving or trailering your car, perhaps we can meet up and head 
> down together.
Things to avoid:  It wouldn't affect you, but, for those coming from the 
west, stay away from I-20 near Colorado City.  There isn't a word for 
what it is.  It's not a speed trap, per se.  They aren't looking for 
speeders.  They target out-of-state cars doing the speed limit, and then 
ticket them for speeding, on the presumption that they'll pay the ticket 
rather than come back for court.  And, coming back for court does little 
good, since they don't honor requests for discovery. (BTDT). 15 mph over 
translates, with court costs, to $400-600.

Let's put it this way--the north side of Colorado City is a shithole, 
abandoned buildings going to ruin, etc., but the courthouse is like a 
ruby in a cowflop.  It and its grounds are immaculate, and they get the 
money to keep it that way from out-of-staters like you and me.

It's quicker, anyway, to go south on US 87 at Big Springs to San Angelo, 
and then take one of the feeder roads to Austin, rather than go on I-20 
to I-35 South.



Michael Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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