[TR] U.S. EPA Finalizes Rulemaking to Permit Year-Round Sales of E15 Gasoline

Michael Porter mdporter at dfn.com
Thu Jun 6 18:19:12 MDT 2019

On 6/6/2019 6:07 PM, Randall wrote:
>>    If the gasoline in the blend is 87 octane,
>> the total blend with 15% ethanol is 90.5.
> Seems like a big IF to me.  More likely, they'll use a lower (cheaper) cut
> of gasoline, so the overall octane will remain much the same.  The E15 pumps
> I've seen are still posted at around 87 octane.
Very possible.  I don't think we have any around here (although there 
are a few around with "ethanol added," probably at rates of 8-10%, and, 
yeah, those are not uniformly rated at higher octane), so I can only 
guess at E15.



Michael Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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