[TR] Engine Cleaning

Paul Tegler ptegler at verizon.net
Sun Feb 18 11:04:02 MST 2018

pressure washer (tape up seal the vents on top)

then scryub brush and a good degreaser, followed by another pressure wash

some in the past have stated oven cleaner on the aluminum. Yes it works 
but strips
anodized surfaces

Final shine up a small soft wire wheel will really shine the aluminum

btdt  ymmv

Paul Tegler ptegler at verizon.net www.teglerizer.com

On 2/17/2018 6:21 PM, wbeech wrote:
> While the motor is out, with trans attached, what is the best solution 
> to get it and the alloy bell housing/trans case squeaky clean and the 
> engine ready for paint?  I have a good pressure washer but not sure of 
> the correct solution.
> Thanks,
> Bill b
> TS30800L
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