[TR] Is this a first?

Andrew Uprichard auprichard at uprichard.net
Mon Apr 30 06:12:08 MDT 2018


Sunday afternoon, 5pm: after doing yard work all day, I decided to take my
small-mouth TR3 out for a spin.  Coming up a country road at around 80, I
felt a sharp pain in my neck, followed shortly thereafter by an equally
sharp pain in my chest.  A wasp (or hornet, or whatever) had flown down my
open-neck shirt and wasn't happy.  Neither was I !!


Trying to stop the car and extricate myself from my four-point harness while
being stung must have been a  hilarious picture!


Finally I pulled over and removed the little so-and-so from my abdominal


I am allergic to all kinds of stings, so here I am with 4 enormous welts
ranging from my neck to my navel.


But don't we love our little British cars  J


Andrew Uprichard

Jackson, Michigan

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