[TR] Regarding a bolt not listed in the Standard Triumph Hardware Catalog

CF Musson TR cfmtr3a at verizon.net
Tue Oct 17 18:35:14 MDT 2017

I'll send another version of the STH Catalog later tonight.  It is enlarged to 8x11 and I added search fields to the different types.  Searching on HB or BH will take you to those pages.  Also all of SP items are searchable.  

The scanned copy (same one as the one Cliff attached) is a little fuzzy but you can still make them out

There were a bunch of fasteners assigned Standard Triumph parts numbers. Never figured out why.  I expect that is the case for the ones Sujit listed.  


Sent from Alto
On Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 8:04 PM Cliff Hansen <cliff_hansen at outlook.com> wrote:

Could you check that part number? Its not in TRF’s database.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Sujit Roy
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Triumphs
Subject: [TR] Regarding a bolt not listed in the Standard Triumph Hardware Catalog

Most of the part number for bolts in the hardware catalog are prefixed with two letters and four digits but I have a handful of bolts in the Stag with no prefix to the no. or listed at 6 digits.

For example, in the gearbox, I have a bolt no. 15542 but don't see any bolts in the Hardware catalog.

Am I missing something or is there another catalog?

Can anyone please tell me details about this bolt? I'm interested in the length .

Here's another bolt BH505201, but I am able to go a Google search on this one.



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