[TR] Additional stories on the theme of "Life at Triumph"
wbeech at flash.net
Thu Apr 13 08:31:43 MDT 2017
Yes Please.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Macartney [mailto:john.macartney at ukpips.org.uk]
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'wbeech' <wbeech at flash.net>
Cc: 'Triumphs List' <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Additional stories on the theme of "Life at Triumph"
Hi, Bill
You wrote: Sounds like an opportunity for you to collaborate with Sir John's boys and some of your former colleagues write that book, or maybe a weekly blog.
Jonmac's response: Since I published "In the Shadow of my Father" in 1998 (second print run copies still available) I've written lots more similar stories for various club magazines over the last twenty odd years for which I am still the sole copyright holder. Not planning to self-publish as per ITSOMF because it's way too costly and way beyond my Standard-Triumph pension 😊 But I could put them together into a .pdf format to meet various international paper sizes for people to download and print off to read for themselves. This new publication will be called "Full Circle". Unlikely to be any pictures this time around but I'd be happy to do this providing there's sufficient interest from other enthusiasts. No set price for this but a discretionary donation to the non-profit that my wife and I started in 2012 and which has spread to other countries, would be appreciated. Go to www.ukpips.org.uk to see what we do. If anyone else is interested, see if you can create interest with your other club members and email me off list with the likely number of copies required and email address details of interested recipients. I'll keep all the info in a separate file if the idea appeals. Send no money anywhere yet - just canvas for likely readers but I guess I need about 100 'Yes Pleases' to commit the time to put all this together - and happy to do it.
Cheers, Jonmac
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