[TR] Fuel mix

John Macartney john.macartney at ukpips.org.uk
Fri Oct 21 14:41:22 MDT 2016

FWIW, fifty five odd years ago as an Apprentice at Jaguar (and later on after qualifying, at Standard Triumph) both companies had exactly the same procedures for fuel mixture adjustment and I’ve followed those guidelines ever since. I followed them because I proved conclusively they made sense and ‘shortcuts’ always gave an inferior result.

Task 1. Check all valve clearances 'cold'. Adjust as necessary.

Task 2. Fit new contact points, ensure gap is correct and ensure static and dynamic timing is to factory spec.

Task 3. Adjust carbs following instructions as per those issued by SU or Stromberg.

The reality is doing all this is a PITA because of the time it takes but I was never able to get a satisfactory outcome by doing it otherwise.

Good luck


From: Triumphs [mailto:triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Gary Nafziger
Sent: 21 October 2016 19:17
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: [TR] Fuel mix

I have been checking and adjusting my fuel mixture simply by taking out a spark plug or two and viewing deposits on the plugs.
Is this adequate?  Responses desired.
Gary Nafziger 

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