[TR] stupidity

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Wed Jun 10 17:48:37 MDT 2015

Had my Rx-7 slip off the jack while I was jacking 
it up (apparently leaving parking brake on is a 
bad idea?) and it fell a ways before stopping on 
the jack again.  Looked under the hood and the 
top of the radiator had a nice outline of the 
jack underneath sticking up in the middle. 
__/---\__ .  I don't think it was going to seal 
anymore.  Just cost me a new radiator though.

Tony Drews

At 04:17 PM 6/10/2015, Andrew Uprichard wrote:
>I am SURE no-one out there has ever done 
>anything as stupid.  But if you have, and 
>sufficient time has elapsed to share it, I’d 
>love to hear.  Misery loves company and 
>repairing and repainting the front apron is going to cost – well, you know.
>Andrew Uprichard
>** triumphs at autox.team.net **
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