[TR] Replacing Universal joints on a drive shaft

Glenn A. Merrell - TSN StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Tue Dec 15 18:50:38 MST 2015

I have been using GoodParts CV axles with the uprated aluminum wheel 
hubs in my Triumphs.

These eliminate the Triumph Twitch altogether and are basically install 
and forget.

I am never going back to U-Joints and sliding shafts unless I build a 
Triumph for concours only.

Glenn Merrell
TSN Admin
mailto:StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org

On 12/14/2015 3:04 PM, Sujit Roy wrote:
> I’ve been fortunate enough to source myself a pair of half shafts from 
> a Triumph 2000. These apparently fit a Triumph Stag which I have. The 
> shafts come with replicable universal joints, unlike the staked type 
> currently on my Stag.
> I can get two types of joint GUJ102 without zirk / grease nipple or 
> GUJ107 with zirk / grease nipple. 2 are required per side. The problem 
> with GUJ107 is once fitted to the car there is no way to get to the 
> zirk closet to the hub as it is enclosed by the radius arm. I’m aware 
> TR6s have a similar setup.
> So should I get 4 no-zirked type and fit once and forget, or buy the 
> zirked type and periodically, which means never in my case, re- grease 
> by removing the shaft?
> Do the zirked type really need pumping with grease once in a while?
> Also, doing a cross reference to other part numbers of the zirked type 
> , prices vary from $11 to $25 Any recommendations on brand I found the 
> ones below.
> I also found a cross reference to GMB
> GUJ107 cross references these following parts
> Factory Number
> ACDelco 45U0168
> BECK/ARNLEY 102-0031
> BECK/ARNLEY 102-0106
> REO 55P1
> CARRARO 107625
> JENSEN 94425
> Regards, Sujit

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